Happy New Year

Just a quick update before I am banished once again to the uncivilized world of the comarca...ok that was a bad joke but I do have to take advantage of communication before I am out in the jungle again. So New Years was absolutely amazing...I could not have had a better time. We spent several days down at the beach near my site, which is really beautiful. Several of my Peace Corps friends joined us in a little cabin on the beach. There were plenty of fun fireworks, live shows, beach parties and other fun stuff to keep us entertained for the duration. We spent the days surfing and swimming, and the nights partying and having a grand old time. There were lots of Panmanians staying at the cabañas where we stayed, so 24 hour reggatone and lots of fireworks that are illegal in the states. We spent New Year´s Eve down the beach at a beach party that consisted of almost 100% foreigners, backpackers and what not. Almost everyone spoke English, so that was definately a change. Needless to say I feel like I sent 2005 out with a bang and am now ready to a

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