Well alot has happened since the last entry, so let me catch you up...So Thanksgiving was a complete blast, more than 70 volunteers met in Cerro Punta for a huge dinner that a few of us spent two days cooking. I have to say the cooking was almost the funnest part, I love group cooking! So anyway we ate more than we could fit in our bellies and then we hiked up to our cabins in the jungle....amazingly beautiful! The cabins were in the middle of parque de amistad which is shared with Costa Rica. It was so cold up there that we all wore sweaters the entire time, a nice break from sweating 24 hours a day! So yes Thanksgiving was amazing...then we all went back up to our sites for a couple weeks before coming back out again for a week of in-service training. It was so much fun to see everyone again, or at least those that didn´t come to Thanksgiving. We always have a ton of good times when we are together, and it is nice to be able to talk about our sites with someone who understands.

So the week was alot of classes and alot of beach time...it was only a 10 minute walk so everyday after class we went down and splashed around. By some random accident we met up with some guy who knew our boss and let us use his villa...so we had free sea kayaks, pool access, beach access and free drinks...what kind of luck do we have? So the whole week I was really excited because Dain was coming on Thursday...technically we were not done with training until Friday but I convinced my boss to let me cut out early so I could make it to the city to meet up with him. So he arrived late Thursday night and we have just been chilling in the city, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and the hotel pool! I have two weeks off so we are making plans to head to the beach for Christmas, visit a few other volunteers sites and hit up the islands before New Years. Lots of grand plans, and I could not be happier to be spending this time with Dain...it has been 7 months since I have seen him but it seems like yesterday, wierd how time is.

So anyway to sum it all up things in Panama are as good as I could ask for, it will be a litte strange not being in my site for so long but when I get back I have several projects lined up so it will be easy to just jump back in, especially since Dain will be there to help me. Well I hope all your Thanksgivings were happy and full of family fun, and that you all enjoy the upcoming holidays. Let me know how they all go and don´t forget to drop me a line anytime you want...I couldn´t live without them! Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo! Un abrazo y beso para todos! Wakan
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